When I wanted to close my curtains this evening I saw this amazing rainbow outside.
Don't you just love rainbows?? I do and I always wanted to have rainbows on my photos.
Love them!!
Have a photo of a rainbow when I was in Vienna on holiday a couple of years ago as well and I just so love it!!
It's been a busy, very, very busy week for me.
Yesterday I had to move my class to the classroom I've been in last year and the year before.
I have the tables all set and the closets are also where I want them to be. Now I "only" have to arrange the little things for the coming schoolyear.
Finally my vacation has started and I so love it!!
Will be cleaning my house drastically, will be painting my hallway and have some more house-issues to deal with. Will be ok.
I also made a blogbanner today and got my blog a new layout. Hope you like it.
I loved the pink, totally adored it, but right now I love the clean, simple white background :)
Please tell me what you like....
Will be making a card right now... so bye bye for now :)