Finally I've been to London again. It's been too long!!
Really enjoyed being there and it felt like coming home again. Really enjoyed my time overthere and made some photos. Not that much, as I've been shopping quite a bit (it's really great buying a shirt for 28 pound, converted that's 31 euro's, while it costs 45 euro's overhere..hehe).
Did some pretty cool things.... let's see...
At Thursday night I was walking at Leicester Square when I heard loads of screaming girls. So I went to the cinema and there was a premiere night with Zac Afron (a star in High School Musical, never heard of him though.... but the girls overthere told me so). Here's the best shot of him I could get with having my camera over all the heads....

A visit to London should include Picadilly Circus as well.... Never had made a photo by night of it...

Went to Portobello Market on Saturday and it was great!! You've seen the movie "Notting Hill"?? Well... it's shot overthere as well.

Oh... been to a musical: Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat starring Gareth Gates. He's a cutie patootie **SMILE**

The last day, I was being a tourist, walking around Westminster and getting onto the Big Wheel. It was great. Been there once before, but then it was almost evening and now I had a great view over London by daylight. It was cool!!!

Here's the Big Wheel.... love it! (but I really didn't feel the need to look down..hehe)

My fave street during the days: Oxford Street.
Just really can't wait to get back to London again. Love this city so much!!
Had an appartment in Kensington, near Harrods and the museums and loved it! Also near a tubestation which brought me to the center and Heathrow.
Wow... it was just too long ago (5 years) while being here again.