My computer got a mind of it's own and restarted every time I tried to start it, so in the end, I just couldn't get it started at the end of December.
Don't like it when electronic things get a mind of their own *lol* I get completely freaked out. Sort of having 2 left hands when it comes to electronics.
And as a completely non-computerminded soul, I had no idea what was wrong, but it needed to get fixed and *yeah!!* (thanks to a very sweet person!) it's been working for 2 weeks now and didn't want to get online before I exactly knew all things were doing it the way I wanted them to work as there still were some minor things to work at.
And sitting in a library felt soooooooo uncomfy back in December :(
So here I am... back online *doing a happy dance*
To tell you the truth... I didn't quite miss it being offline for a couple of weeks.
Have been scrapbooking a lot (and I mean really a lot! Got so many photos wanted to get scrapped) and have a nice collection of colored images ready to be put on cards.
Also cleaned out my craftroom... oh boy.... loved doing that!
And realized I needed to spend less time behind the computer ;)
Will be putting some cards online again this week, so watch this space :)
Am trying to get things back together again online...