This is just soooooooooooooo off topic what I normally post, but tonight is finally the night I've been waiting for since 16 years!
I will be seeing Take That in concert. Not just a concert, but finally, after 16 years... I will see them all together again: Robbie Williams (think he's the biggest entertainer and singer), Mark Owen (he's sooo cute *whoops... did I just say that??*), Gary Barlow (great songwriter), Howard Donald and Jason Orange (both great dancers).
Oh my oh my oh my.... whoowhoooooooooooo..
Saw them 3 years ago as a foursome (actually threesome as Howard was ill, but the others did the show) and have been to Robbie's concerts loads of times (playing in little places with just 750 people to places with over 60.000 people). So this would be sooooooo great to see them all together again and sing along with all those amazing songs :)
I will be there with my brother. Very special as he's really not into them, but he said to me he knows all their lyrics because of me *hehehe*
I will defenately be enjoying myself.
Relight my fire.... whoowhoooooooooooooooooo.... Shine.... lalalallalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
So I sceduled this post and I will be on my way to the Amsterdam Arena.
I sooooooooo hope this concert will go on, as their concert was cancelled last Saturday because Rob has a food poisoning :(
Seriously... I want him to become better first, before hitting the stage (though I must admit I really, really don't like it...). But we'll just have to wait and see :)
Will keep you updated :) Off to (hopefully) an awesome party :)