I've been thinking again over and over and now I just know I have to do it: Giving scrapbookingworkshops.
Have done them about 2 years ago and it was really fun, but now I know I want to give it a go big time *ahehmm...*
Have done them about 2 years ago and it was really fun, but now I know I want to give it a go big time *ahehmm...*
Just inviting family over for some really easy to make scrapalbums or layouts. They have to take photos with them so we can make something with them.
Already have the details out here and the workshops I really like to give.
I've been giving workshops for children aged 10-12 for 2 years or so right now and they really like them and are always asking if I will do more. So guess they like it :)
I will post some info about my workshops and would like some feedback on them! Thanks!
Well... it's almost 12 am so will go to bed. Just a quick post to let you all know what I've been up to lately :)
As always... a photo... This time from a Circle Journal I'm in. This time I wanted it to be a more artsypartsy (hee, I just like that word *BIG SMILE*) and not the regular papers, but really texture, paints, dirtyness..haha... Love it!! Really enjoying it!! :)
If you'd like to see what one of the other people made in this CJ, please visit Nancy's blog: