Just booked tickets to see Coldplay live in concert on 10th September 2009!!!
I'm so thrilled to go there as I couldn't get any tickets for the last show in Ahoy, which was the best show a colleague of mine saw!
But now I have them here, right here beside me. Can hardly wait for being September 2009.
Only problem...it's on the other side of the Netherlands, so I have to take the next day off..
I can't see any problem here. Trying to get the 14th free as well, so I get a free Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (it's Prinsjesdag and we always have a day off where I live..hehe).
Can you feel my excitement?? *LOL*
OH...and why I wanna see them?? I just love their music, the melodies and stuff. Really theatrical (??). Love it!!