I made loads of layouts a few months back from ClubScrap by their ALSB-method and it's working great for me! Already done 15 layouts for my "house"-book by those layouts and best of all.... I used the "Workbench"-kit which hasn't got my most fave colours to work with, but it worked for these photos!!
Will post some photos tomorrow.
Yesterday-evening I had a workshop which was great! Loved the results the others made.
Today I wanted to sit on a flea market, so I set my alarm at 5.47 **shock as I was in bed at 00.00!!** so I could be there at 7 am (would start at 9, but you have to be there really early to have a place). But it thundered and lightened a lot!! Not that much as yesterdaynight when I came home from the workshop, but still... sitting on an outdoor fleamarket isn't that much fun if it's raining a lot!
At 9 it still looked a bit terrible, so decided not to go... really a pity, as I wanted to get rid of some things.
And since 10 the sun was shining all day!!! I can't believe it!!!
Well... better luck next time.
Did some scrapshopping, and right now I'm working with that paper... love that line of Basic Grey!!
Wanna use my Glimmermist as well, but will do that tomorrow.
Will also be painting my hallway tomorrow as it looks terrible these days... and I wanna start all new :)
Right now... bye bye... ciao ciao...