It was just great! I'm not someone that likes glitter and bling a lot, so it was quite of a shock to notice there was "some" bling in the kit.
(nevertheless I have to tell you I bought some of those "bling" flowers yesterday)
But.... I just sooooooo enjoyed it!
As I had to travel (by public transport, as I don't own a car and don't really need it either) a bit, I left work with a colleague of mine who had to travel the same direction.
Bought some dinner at the trainstation and had a marvelous evening untill... I had to go home that is.
Got the bus at about 10.05 pm, got the train at about 10.30, but had to change trains in Utrecht and there it was.... the train had some delay, 15 minutes. That's ok, but then they said it would take again 15 minutes before the train would leave, so I just took another train back home. I was home at 00.45 am!!!
Man, I was tired!
After 5 hours of sleep, my alarm went off so I could get the bus to get a car to Zeist, which is where the Art Specially Event was.
Still tired, I just sooooooooo loved the event!
Met loads of people (hi Lins, Angelina, Laura, Cora, Liezbeth, Rosita, Linda, and another one, sorry, can't remember your name...) and bought loads of cool goodies :)
It was extremely busy in the hall... terrible I can tell you! But there were so many cool shops!
First I went to the Magnolia-stand as I'm quite addicted to those stamps *lol*
Bought the newest stamps of the "fairytale"-collection. Really like them!
Also bought some flowers, other stamps, inks and papers.
Here it is :)
Have been playing around with some of the stamps already, so you will find those projects on my blog real soon :)
Anyways... I was really tired after the event. Left at about 6 pm and really enjoyed the day!
When I got home it was about 7.45 pm and felt really tired. Watched some tv and went sleeping.
Can't wait to go to the event next year!