It's time for the 2nd sneak peak of a new digi image by Elisabeth Bell. And I can tell you the whole image is just awesome, uhh... ALL of Elisabeth's images are awesome! :)
Here it is...
And now comes the fun part of it...
"For the chance to win today's Sneaky Peek candy - which is this NEW digi' designed by Yours Truly, or one of your choice from my digital gallery - all you need to do is answer the following question:
Q. What do you think you see, and which season do you think this digi is set in?
Leave your answer below the post on the DigibellsDT blog, and link that post and candy back to your blog. And that's it!
The first, most correct answer will be the winner. I will post the winner's name on top of this blog post tomorrow at 7pm, Arizona time, followed by our second Sneaky Peek."
So that's all you have to do!
Will be back with some more sneak peaks of the image real soon :)

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