I just had a great day today.
In the morning I went to one of my fave scrapstores overhere in The Netherlands (have to travel normally about 1,5 hour, but today it took me over 2 hours to get there... ah well...).
Got some nice papers, also the newest line of My Mind's Eye: LUSH.
Love those papers, not the textured though. Well, I like them a lot, but really do not like to work with flock, doesn't feel alright to me.
Anyways... spend too much money *lol* But I know I won't get there for some months (is this a good excuse??).
After that I went to another scrapstore, well, actually more a stampingstore.
But before that I went shopping and got myself some nice sweaters and blouses for spring. Love them!
But... that really wasn't my goal, it was the store as Mr. Holtz, Tim Holtz, would be there!!! *yahooooooooooo*
I follow his blog for some years right now and I just always think it's amazing what that man can make!
I enjoy his art a lot and the best thing... on his blog he posts loads of photos how to make items yourself. Now that's just amazing as it's really easy to make items.
Anyways... It was just amazing meeting him.. he's really nice and sweet and... and... oh yeah.... it was a pleasure meeting him!!
Also bought his newest book and he signed it for me :) (as he did for the other ladies):
Also went on the photo with him (no, won't show it online...sorry...) and all the ladies had to go on the photo with him, so he could put it on his blog :)
Anyways... It was a marvelous day which I like to repeat a lot of times :)

Sounds wonderful! We carry all of Tim Holtz goodies in our store and hearing that you actually saw him in person in a store today is AMAZING!!!!
isn't the book AWESOME!!!??
much luv!
from www.SimonSaysStamp.com
O jaaa,dat was in Sleen he?Helemaal vergeten :(
Was gisteren in Ede, Sleen is dan net wat verder uit de buurt voor mij :)
jeetje heb je helemaal niet gezien, wat jammer!
heb je de rest van de rl-ladies wel gezien en gesproken dan? volgende keer wel naar me toe komen dan he!
groetjes annemarieke
sta je ook nog ergens met Tim op de foto, want die laat je niet zien.
Tof dat je hem hebt ontmoet!! Ik ben idd ook een bewonderaar van zijn werk! Ik hoop dat ik snel weer kan gaan scrappen als ik weer ben verhuisd! Waar ik dus mijn eigen scrapkamer krijg :-). Kan niet wachten!!
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