First we (me and girls of a scrapbookforum) were going to a bakery to decorate a cake and afterwards we went to the scrapbookstore for 3 little workshops... love, love, love decorating the cake.
Unfortunately we weren't able to make the roses and leaves by ourselves, that was a pity for me, would have loved doing that!
Would love to decorate more cakes, but with a bit more items on it... like those great Wilton-cakes!!
But then... OMG! I have to buy so many stuff and a new hobby is born, so I'd better not do it *lol*
But here it is....

Some details...
Dat'ie lekker smaakt hoeft je niet te zeggen hoor.....dat zie je zo al. Wat een mooie en lekkere taart zeg!
Ziet er super uit zeg, heel mooi.
groetjes angelina
Wauw!! Dat ziet er super uit!! Ik ben ook wel weer toe aan zo'n leuke dag workshoppen en alleen maar leuke dingen doen!!
Prachtig zeg!! zonde om aan te snijden!
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