You can't imagine how honoured I am being asked to join their team of designers!
Did a workshop today at Tessa Tegendraads, a staralbum, went very well, enjoyed myself a lot and all of the attendees left with a good vibe, feeling really proud of what they did (they have to finish their album though... only the layouts though) and they were really proud of themselves as well and even bought more paper to make another album at home!
Will give an update tomorrow **jumping from joy**
**bye bye from Holland**
Welkom bij ons team meissie, ik ben hartstikke blij dat je er nu bij hoort!
Groetjes van Tessa
gaaf zeg! Leuk hoor!
Haaaai welkom bij de club hoor meid.Echt leuk dat je bij ons mee komt doen.Gezellige meiden zijn natuurlijk altijd welkom heh.
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