Had the most wonderfull workshops I've ever dreamt of. Really made loads of cool stuff (have to finish loads too!!). Been to 16 workshops and finished about 4 already, including the make-n-takes (little projects you make within 15 minutes or less).
The atmosphere was so totally awesome, you just must experience it yourself.
Arrived Friday at about 13.30 at the hotel and my roommate Clara from Belgium (we had to speak English all weekend to eachother!! hehe) was already there.
Had some lunch and went to our room at about 15.00 when we could check in. 15.30 was my first workshop: Weather comes to mind from Karen Burniston. Made a really great mini-album about the seasons. Have to finish this.
Had some quick dinner before the 2 other workshops started at 19.00. It was soooooooo cool! Really enjoyed myself.
Saturday was my most exhausting day. Shopped a bit, my workshops started at 8.00!!! They were all too good to be true. Really made a good choice for the workshops, didn't regret a single one of them!
At 19.00 there was this workshop "About Me", given by Lisa Bearnson, the founder of the magazine http://www.creatingkeepsakes.com! It was so totally cool to meet her in real life. She's such a sweet person!! We could let our albums sign by her sister, who made this awesome albumcover for me with my name on it!! And Lisa signed my album as you can see on this photo:
Why my parents had to pick me up? Will tell you later.
Even Dutch people spoke English to eachother as we didn't know if we were English, from another European country or just Dutch. So really cool to laugh about it when we found out we were both from the Netherlands.
The workshops were really cool! Met some really nice people (we had a 2 persons table and I sat to loads of people from different countries which was cool!).
From an Irish girl sitting next to me at one of Lance's (from Rusty Pickles) I heard I didn't have to come to the 2nd part of the workshop after meeting eachother later that Saturday. I booked the 1st part for Saturday and the 2nd at Sunday. So I thought... I have all the supplies, the book isn't that hard to make, lets try to see if there's a spot open on Sunday for another workshop and on Sunday I made it! Did another workshop!
Had to sit in front of the class. Met an English girl Saturday evening during Diva's night (we were all wearing Diva clothes, like boa's, tiara's and stuff... we met on the SAG forum) and she's so really really cool! Had some great laughes with her!!
So I spoke to her before my last class and she introduced me to the teachers and I had to sit in front..hmmm...
Well it was great!
During Saturday evening Diva's night I won some great goodies and on Friday I won a Junkitz-book... It's so good to win stuff!!
Not only did I get loads of stuff from the workshops, but I also shopped a bit and won some fab prizes!!
Here's the stuff I needed to bring home with me:

As the car broke down the Thursday before SAG, I had to travel by train, and had to go home by train as well.... but with all of this... no way... just too much!!
So I called my parents to pick me up. They were with my grandma (my father's mom), but they liked it. So lucky me!!
Today I'm here, still really exhausted from the weekend, but have met so many wonderfull people, had loads of great classes (actually learned how to work with alcohol inks!! Really fun to do this!!), but most of all... I had great laughs and enjoyed myself every minute of the weekend.
No regrets for me. It was the first time, but no way it's going to be the last one!!
Heard there was going to be a mini SAG this November, but am not sure to go or not. Next year there will be another SAG :)
We'll just wait and see. Will have to make a start with finishing all the wonderfull workshops... gotta go....
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