Really still can't believe it, but I won 2 challenges on a scrapsite this weekend due to National Scrapbook Day!!!
Can you believe it?? Me winning something?? Me neither!! It was so much fun to participate! :)
I won some Fontwerks-stamps with a challenge where we had to look for a layout in the gallery with some words on it. Boy... it was really hard to find this one I tell ya. Overlooked it twice at least, seen the entire gallery of that page (at least 9000 images I guess), but I'm overwhelmed by ideas from it! Really love that gallery!! :)
Anyways... the second challenge was hard for me and a really tough one as I have my stampingsupplies, other than my 7Gypsies framestamps and my foamstamps, with Peter-Paul. We had to use 1 stamp at 3 ways.
I used my 7Gypsies framestamp for:
Frames around my photos (see layout)
Backgroundfiller (see 2nd layout)
Journalingstamp (no image, later on I guess)
Won 2 Fontwerks-stamps in this challenge and I really like them a lot!! :)
Also scrapped a lot this weekend: 7 layouts; 4 8,5x11" and 3 12x12". Did find some time to eat. And I really, really enjoyed myself being busy with these challenges. They challenged me to use my supplies on another way, especially with the stamps-challenge. Liked it!
Today I had to go back to work after 2 weeks off. Had to replace a colleague who's on vacation. It also rained alot here. Since 22nd March it hasn't rained, so it's good for all the trees, plants, etc. Love it! Also.. told you about me going to the hairdresser right?? Well... my other colleagues complimented me loads of times with my new hairdo which I'm proud off. Actually I always have the same hairdo, but the hairdresser cut it the same, but played more with the result. So I still have my same do, but I just style it different. Went home early. Didn't want to stay long. Did some shopping for work. We're making cakes this week with all the 4 groups 1 and I volunteered to buy the products which is fun. But still need some biscuits, so I'm off right now. TTYL!
XXX, Ang������lique